Tests in 1996-2002 were carried out to evaluate the usefulness of 8 cultivars and strain of Lolium perenne L. (Polish - 'Anna', 'Arka', 'Maja', 'Rela'. 'Solen' and strain SZD-291 as weil as Dutch - 'Baristra', 'Barezane' and 'Barlano' ) to mixtures for cutting performance under peat-bog soil conditions. No influence of perennial ryegrass (30-35% of share in mixtures) on significant differentiation of dry matter yields in relation to those without that species was recorded. The share of perennial ryegrass in achieved fodder was significant during first 4-6 years after sowing (about 20-45%), which ensured higher stability of species composition of meadow sward with tendency to decreasing in last years. Share of perennial ryegrass in meadow sward mixtures systematically decrcased in last years. Durability of the species significantly depended on included cultivars. 'Anna', 'Maja', 'Solen', 'Barlano' and 'Baristra' were characterized with higher and more stable share in sward during studies as compared to 'Arka', 'Rela' and 'Barizane' cultivars.