The white-tailed rat Mystromys albicaudatus (A. Smith, 1834) has a sacculated bilocular hemiglandular stomach. Its forestomach resembles a rumen, in that it has papillae and a high density of bacteria. This suggests that the forestomach of the white-tailed rat may be functionally similar to a rumen. Although the fermentation of fibre is very limited in the digestive tract of the white-tailed rat, the determination of total foregut fermentation relative to caecal fermentation was essential since ingested soluble carbohydrates may also be fermented by the forestomach bacteria. The present study investigated the effects of different diets (varying in proximate composition) on the pH, volatile fatty acid and lactic acid production for the various regions of the gut. The results indicate that M. albicaudatus is essentially a hindgut fermenter.