Oceniono przydatność w serologicznej diagnostyce tularemii odczynu ELISA z uzyskanym we własnym zakresie antygenem F. tularensis. Stwierdzono, że odczynem ELISA możliwe było wykrycie swoistych przeciwciał u osób chorych w mianie kilkakrotnie wyższym niż rutynowo wykonywanym odczynem aglutynacji probówkowej. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań wskazują na pełną przydatność opracowanego odczynu ELISA w serodiagnostyce tularemii.
The usefulness of the ELISA using as antigen prepared in our laboratory supernatant obtained after centrifugation of sonicated F. tularensis cell suspension was compared with the tube agglutination test with commercial available antigen. Paired serum specimens obtained from 6 patients with ulceroglandular syndrome of tularemia were tested in both tests. The cut-off limit of serum antibodies was set at mean antibody titre determined in the sera of 115 blood donors exceeded by three standard deviations. Antibodies to F. tularensis in diagnostically significant titre were detected in all 12 serum samples by both tests. However the titres obtained in ELISA were several times higher than in tube agglutination test. In the second serum sample the level of IgA and IgM was lower but the level of IgG higher than in the first sample. We could not observe any difference in the level of antibodies between paired serum specimens in tube agglutination test.