Specyficznym problemem Katowic, stolicy Górnego Śląska, było znalezienie koncepcji dalszego rozwoju miasta w chwili, gdy restrukturyzacja przemysłu węglowego w Polsce stała się konieczna. Przeanalizowano w tym celu przykłady restrukturyzacji zagłębi surowcowo- przemysłowych w Niemczech, Francji i Anglii. Rozpoznano sytuację miasta w kraju i w regionie oraz stopień aktywności lokalnych samorządów. Przeprowadzono analizę SWOT, wykorzystując wcześniejsze prace podjęte dla opracowania strategii gospodarczej, jak i analizy własne, wykonane na potrzeby studium. Zaproponowany przez ekspertów zestaw celów rozwoju miasta porównano z poglądami mieszkańców, rozpoznanymi w trakcie badań socjologicznych, oraz poddano szerokiej dyskusji społecznej, co pozwoliło na jego modyfikację uwzględniającą zarówno konieczności gospodarcze i warunki przestrzenne, jak i aspiracje lokalnej społeczności. Ten zestaw celów został uchwalony przez Radę Miasta, dając podstawę dalszym pracom nad studium. Dodatkowym wnioskiem natury ogólnej z omawianego przykładu jest konieczność przyjęcia całościowej koncepcji rozwoju gminy, obowiązującej zarówno w planowaniu gospodarczym, jak i przestrzennym.
Katowice is the capital city of mining Silesia and this industry has been constituting its importance and economic success till now. Specificity of the process of the study preparation on pre-conditions and directions in spatial management of Katowice is that the greatest problem is here to find out an idea on the further city development in a moment when the restructure of coal mining industry became inevitable in Poland. Then the works on study have been started from the analysis of the well done restructure of the raw materials and industry basins in the West Europe: French Nord-Pas de Calais, German Basin of Ruhr and Baden-Wirtemberg, English South Wales. In all these examples on restructure success decided not only financial expenditures but also the own activity of interested societies, the partnership co-operation of local authorities with governmental authorities and a public sector with a private sector. The situation of the Silesian Region has already been the object of governmental care from a longer period of time, but it hasn't come to more resolute activities yet. The self-go- vernmental authorities in Silesian communities, upset with this situation accepted the initiative, bounded the mutual communication and directed to the signature of the first regional contract in Poland which was to warrant the right command of restructure. Earlier the self-governmental authorities of Katowice had already prepared themselves to the substantial changes in economic politics. Even the elaboration of economic development strategy began but the works were not completed. Then the authors of the study came to the examination of strong and weak aspects of the city as well as opportunities and threats of its development, using the results of present works and the own analysis of spatial pre-conditions and changes in economic urban status. And again done the analysis SWOT allowed to propose the first version of urban development objectives in which the main purpose (mission) got the title: "Katowice - the national centre of finances, modern production and show-business". The strategic objectives connected to him included the metropolitan functions development, education and science development, progress in inhabitants' living conditions quality, recovery of ecologic balance, development and modernization of transport. It was important to meet with approval and participation of local society. Paralelly to the labour of planners team the sociologic research was undertaken among the inhabitants of Katowice which were to recognize their views on the city future. Social attitude towards studies was suggested by the set up of the proper opinion-giving bodies. The Council of Katowice City established the two forums: The Socio-Research Forum, consisting representatives of social organizations and scientific associations and The Economic Forum, grouping representatives of companies. Their common debates allowed to express socially accepted proportions between the economic development and protection and recultivation of environment. At the same time the Consultants Council began its activity and received all the opinions in the City Board. The results of research and discussions on both forums allowed to modernize the set of objectives with aim to include economic necessities and aspirations of local society. The main objective got the title: "Katowice - the national centre of finances, modern production, servi-ces, culture and science". Strategic purposes were not changed in a bigger degree. The approval of these purposes by the City Council of Katowice meant the acceptance of brightly defined concept of urban development and made possible the proper completion of remaining works on the study. The example of Katowice gave also the conclusion of more general nature that the adoption to the general conception of urban development is necessary, obligatory both in spatial and in economic planning, before substantial and detailed solutions will be proposed in any of these fields.