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Intestinal Helminths of the red fox [Vulpes vulpes L.] in Galicia [Northwest Spain]

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Jelitowe helminty lisa [Vulpes vulpes L.] w Galicji [polnocno-zachodnia Hiszpania]

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The intestinal helminth fauna of 201 specimens of Vulpes vulpes, captured in Galicia (northwest Spain), was investigated. Eight species were found: Toxocara canis (23% of host specimens), Toxocara cali (0.5%), Toxascaris leonina (1%), Uncinaria stenocephala (28%), Seuratascaris numidica (0.5%), Taenia crassiceps (23%), Mesocestoides litteralus (2.5%) and Dipylidium caninum (0.5%). We discuss possible relationships between human population density and the prevalence of infection of fox by intestinal helminths.








Opis fizyczny

s.429-442, rys.,tab.,bibliogr.


  • University of Santiago de Compostela Avenida de Vigo, s.n.15706, Santiago de Compostela, Spain


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