[1] Communication from the Commission, for the Council the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and Regional Committees - being the answer for the five year period evaluation of the Community research activities (1999-2003). Dokument COM(2005) 387 z dnia 24 sierpnia 2005 r.
[2] Communication from the Commission - Consultative document concerning the State help in the scope of innovation. Dokument COM(2005) 436 z 21 września 2005 r.
[3] Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the Specific Programme ,,Cooperation” implementing the 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013) of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities. Dokument COM(2005) 440 z 21 września 2005 r.
[4] Communication from the Commission - Proposal for decisions concerning the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological development (2007-2013) - Building the Europe of Knowledge. Dokument 12521/1/05 REV 1 z 26 września 2005 r.
[5] Communication from the Commission Proposal for a Council Decision concerning the specific programme: „Ideas” implementing the 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013) of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities. Dokument 12730/05 z 28 września 2005 r.
[6] Research Supporting Common Agricultural Policy - Draft 8.1.Policy-oriented research - Scientific Support to Policies - 5A and SSP-5B INFLUENZA - 2. 2. - dokumenty z 21 października 2005 r.
[7] Standing Committee for Agricultural Research SCAR - 81st (3rd) Plenary Meeting 1-2 December 2005 - sprawozdanie z posiedzenia - dokument z 6 grudnia 2005 r.