Przebadano w automatycznym systemie BacT/Alert próbki krwi pobrane od pacjentów hospitalizowanych w oddziałach zabiegowych i zachowawczych SP CSK AM w Warszawie. Próbki krwi pobierano od chorych bezpośrednio z żyły lub za pomocą cewnika naczyniowego. Wyhodowano 38 szczepów grzybów drożdżopodobnych z krwi obwodowej i 20 szczepów z krwi pobranej przy użyciu cewnika naczyniowego. Gatunkami dominującymi były: C. albicans, C. glabrata i C. parapsilosis.
The aim of the study was the analysis of frequency of yeast-like fungi as etiological agents of fungemias in patients hospitalized in operative and conservative wards of Medical Academy Central Clinical Hospital in Warsaw in 1998-1999. Peripheral blood samples and collected from vascular catheters were incubated in BacT/Alert system(Organon Teknika, USA). Positive blood samples were inoculated on Sabouraud medium with chloramphenicol (bioMerieux, France) (the time of cultivation from 48 h to 7 days at 30 C) and on chromogenic medium BBL® CHROMagar™ Candida (Becton Dickinson, USA). Fungal strains were identified by standard mycological procedures using ID 32 C strips (ATB system, bioMerieux, France) and tests of Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur (France). The total number of positive blood cultures was 1724. Fifty eight fungal strains were isolated from blood samples (3.36%). Strains belonged to 4 genera: Candida (55), Trichosporon (1), Saccharomyces (1) and Pichia (1). Thirty eight fungal strains were isolated from peripheral blood samples. Forty seven fungal strains were cultured from patients hospitalized in operative wards. Among fungi isolated from peripheral blood samples C. albicans (10), C. glabrata (9), and C. parapsilosis (5) strains dominated. From blood samples collected from vascular catheters most often C. albicans (7), C. glabrata (4) and C. parapsilosis (3) were isolated.The aim of the study was the analysis of frequency of yeast-like fungi as etiological agents of fungemias in patients hospitalized in operative and conservative wards of Medical Academy Central Clinical Hospital in Warsaw in 1998-1999. Peripheral blood samples and collected from vascular catheters were incubated in BacT/Alert system(Organon Teknika, USA). Positive blood samples were inoculated on Sabouraud medium with chloramphenicol (bioMerieux, France) (the time of cultivation from 48 h to 7 days at 30 C) and on chromogenic medium BBL® CHROMagar™ Candida (Becton Dickinson, USA). Fungal strains were identified by standard mycological procedures using ID 32 C strips (ATB system, bioMerieux, France) and tests of Sanofi Diagnostics Pasteur (France). The total number of positive blood cultures was 1724. Fifty eight fungal strains were isolated from blood samples (3.36%). Strains belonged to 4 genera: Candida (55), Trichosporon (1), Saccharomyces (1) and Pichia (1). Thirty eight fungal strains were isolated from peripheral blood samples. Forty seven fungal strains were cultured from patients hospitalized in operative wards. Among fungi isolated from peripheral blood samples C. albicans (10), C. glabrata (9), and C. parapsilosis (5) strains dominated. From blood samples collected from vascular catheters most often C. albicans (7), C. glabrata (4) and C. parapsilosis (3) were isolated.