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Wartosc pokarmowa nasion szarlatu (Amaranthus ssp.) i ich wykorzystanie w zywieniu ludzi i zwierzat


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Amaranth is one of the plants which experience their revival in the time of searching for the new sources of food. It is of ten called the „pseudocereal" of the 21st century. The advantages of amaranth seeds include their high dietetic and nutritive values and thus, wide utilization possibilities. Amaranth, a valuable raw material, may diversify the human and animal diets. As compared to the cereals, amaranth seeds contain considerable amounts of protein of high biological value; the seeds are rich in essential fatty acids, especially linoleic and linolenic acids. Owig to these acids as weil as vitamin E, to cotrienols and considerable quantities of dietary fibre, the seeds are considered as having a hypocholesterolemic effect. They have already found the application in food industry, especially in baking sector as a natural additive, improving bread baking. They are also used in pharmaceutical, cosmetical and computer industries. The results of studies with the application of amaranth seeds in animal feeding are also promising.








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  • Politechnika Bialostocka, ul.Ojca Stefana Tarasiuka, 16-001 Bialystok-Kleosin


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