Oznaczono zawartość Cd, Pb, Mn, Zn, czarnego metodą atomowej spektrometrii poddano próbki z Siedlec i okolic. Wyniki Fe, Cu, Mg i Ca w owocach i liściach bzu absorpcyjnej (FAAS i GFAAS). Badaniom oznaczeń poddano analizie statystycznej.
The levels of magnesium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, copper, cadmium and lead in leaves and fruits of Sambucus nigra collected in Siedlce and the surrounding villages (1995) were assessed using the AAS method. The results were divided into four groups according to the place origin of the samples and analyzed in order to determine the effect of environment on the content of the test elements in the sample. No significant differences, either in leaves or fruit, were detected from some (Cd, Zn, Mg, Ca) elements. Lead levels, both in leaves and fruits, were found to be dependent on the place of origin of the samples. The place of origin was found to affect copper and iron content in leaves, and manganese content in fruits only.