Na podstawie badań sposobu żywienia 7557 uczniów warszawskich szkól podstawowych, w wieku 11-15 lat, przeprowadzonych w latach 1982-1991 metodą wywiadów o spożyciu w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin, stwierdzono, że zawartość żelaza, witaminy C (sprzyjającej jego wykorzystaniu), a także spożycie mięsa i jego przetworów, oraz owoców i warzyw w całodziennych racjach pokarmowych były większe u chłopców niż u dziewcząt. Istnieje obawa, że mimo dużego spożycia mięsa wykorzystanie żelaza mogło być ograniczane przez zbyt małe spożycie owoców i warzyw oraz powszechne picie herbaty do posiłków, a zatem model żywienia jaki obserwowano u młodzieży mógł nie zabezpieczać wszystkich uczniów przed wystąpieniem niedoborów żelaza.
In the reported study iron levels were determined in daily food rations of adolescents of both sexes aged 11-15 years, with certain factors contributing to or limiting its utilization. Besides that the frequency of tea drinking was assessed, since tea contains tannins and manganese which strongly inhibit iron absorption. The content of nutrients and the consumption of product groups were calculated on the basis of 24-hour dietary history recall. For the assessment of portion size the "Album of photographs of products and dishes in varying portions" was used, and the consumption was compared with the recommended norms and with food rations. The studies were carried out in the years 1982-1991 in adolescents from Warsaw elementary schools aged 11-15 years, 7557 individuals. It was found that the content of iron, vitamin C (enhancing iron absorption), meat and meat products, fruit and vegetables in the daily food rations of boys was higher than in those of girls. However, for a good utilization of iron, even in case of high meat consumption, not only vitamin C is necessary, but also folates abundant in leaves of vegetables. The utilization of iron could be additionally limited by wide use of tea during meals. Thus, it is possible that the nutrition model observed in adolescents is not protecting against iron deficiency, even though iron intake is sufficient, since certain factors may limit its absorption.