HMB (2-hydroxy-4-(methythio)butanoic acid), which is the precursor of methionine in the organism, is widely used in the production of industrial feeds as an addition supplementing the deficiency of methionine proper. HMB does not have any amino group, which is the reason why it cannot be marked within the analysis of the aminoacidic composition using the reaction with ninhydrine reagent. In the method of marking HMB using HPLC technique the conditions of chromatographic division were modified. The applied system of chromatographic columns and movable and eluating phases enabled effective separation of HMB from the elements of differentiated matrixes of industrial feed mixtures. The analytical proceedings are characterized by good validation parameters, i.e. high selectivity, high repeatability and a high degree of recovery of contents occurring in the production practice of industrial feeds ranging from 0.05 to 0.4%.