The present study discusses: - hydrogenic soil-forming sites found in the studied valley area distinguished into moistlands, mudlands and peatlands, - types of hydrological feeding of sites, including fluviogenous sites as the prevailing type, as well as soligenous sites, - soils and the ongoing soil processes, distinguishing the following soil types: peaty-gley and mud-gley soils subjected to paludification, paludified peat and mud-peat soils, - post-paludic peat-moorsh soils in the 1st or 2nd stage of the moorsh-forming process, post-paludic mud-moorsh soils, - post-paludic mineral-moorsh, moorshy proper and mineral-moorsh soils. Areas occupied by the above-listed units are described. Soil types are indicated on a map by contours. Results of a survey of soil-site conditions in the studied stretch of the Narew Valley were used in describing its natural and productive status. Emphasis was placed on the valley’s exceptional site diversity associated with the rich micro-relief of its floor. It was concluded that the optimal level of hydration in the valley is the one making it possible to maintain half of the acreage of hydrogenic sites in the phase of accumulation which would help to reconcile nature protection goals with the requirements of agriculture. Also discussed were factors supporting the adverse phenomenon of a gradual dehydration in the valley. Environmental engineering schemes implemented in this section of the Narew valley should be aimed at optimizing and stabilizing the described conditions as well as eliminate factors which assist dehydration.