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2004 | 31 | 2 cz.2 |

Tytuł artykułu

Pojemność przeciwutleniająca oraz zawartość polifenoli, antocyjanów i kwasu askorbinowego w przechowywanych produktach z czarnej jagody

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The antioxidant capacity and the content of poliphenols, anthocyanins and ascorbic acid in storaged products of billberry

Języki publikacji



The purpose of research was to determine the total content of poliphenolics, the content of anthocyanins and ascorbic acid of billberry fruits (Vaccinium Myrtillus) after processing and storage. In this work, an effort to define the antioxidant capacity (activity) in billberry fruits after processing and storage, and also the optimum dose of ascorbic acid to the solution, has been taken. Research took into consideration the fruits after freezing in the fluidative tunel (-20 ÷ -25 C; 8 min) and 4-months storage long (-18°C), after pasteurization in isotonic solution and storage for the period of 4 months, and after pasteurization (88°C for 19 min) in isotonic solution with addition of ascorbic acid in quantity: 0,05%, 0,1% and 0,2% and also with 4-month long storage (-18°C). On the basis of the conducted researches one may come to the conclusion that billberry fruits after freezing and storage for 4 months had a high antioxidant capacity, equal 38,69 μmole Trolox/g of fruits. It was found also that fruits after freezing had higher antioxidant capacity than fruits pasteurized and stored for 4 month. The addition of ascorbic acid to fruits pasteurized cause the reduction of total content of anthocyanins, polyphenols as well as the reduction of antioxidant capacity of billberry fruits.







Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Zywnosci i Zywienia, Warszawa


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