Studies on physico-chemical parameters of water in Czarna Hancza River and lakes Hancza and Wigry (North-East Poland) were carried out in 1991-1994 i.e. in the period of maximal pollution of this river-lake system. Basic information were obtained enabling explanation of high resistance of Lake Wigry to eutrophication. It was shown that co-precipitation of phosphates on calcite in the ecotone zone of Hanczanska Bay, where river waters mixed with lake waters, was an important process. Sedimentation of these substances in this lake part resulted in lower lake loading with phosphorus by as much as about 50%. The mechanisms were operating most of all during the vegetation season, when water pH exceeded 8.3. Availability of phosphorus to phytoplankton depended also on phosphate release from bottom sediments. The lowest rate of this release was observed in Hanczanska Bay. On the other hand, in autumn and winter the increase of organic matter decomposition and lowering of water pH enabled free spreading of pollutants over the whole lake.