The outcome of 20 years (1971-1992) of cooperation between the Departments of General Land and Plant Cultivation and Zemědělských Soustav VŠZ in Brno in the field of crop rotation sciences is the publication of 336 papers (including 234 by Polish authors and 89 by Czech and Slovak authors). The main achievements of this output deal with the effect of crop rotation and monocultures on: soil exhaustion and its bioenergetics, effectiveness of fertilization, health and weed contamination of soil and plants, tolerance of plants to successive sowing, threshold concentration of species during rotation, energetics, methods of assessment. Basing on these achievements a research perspective has been drawn up which should relate to: soil exhaustion and energetics, balance of C, N, P and K in it, threshold minimization of soil cultivation, extent of nematode infestment of grain, weed infesting in industrial, integrated and natural agriculture, modelling of regional crop rotation, intensification of assessment methods.