Badaniami objęto pięć klonów; 2 genotypy diploidalne (2x) oraz 3 genotypy triploidalne (3x) trawy z rodzaju Miscanthus. Próbki roślinne do analiz pobrano w I dekadzie czerwca, lipca, sierpnia, września i października. W uzyskanym materiale roślinnym oznaczono całkowitą zawartość żelaza i manganu. Stężenie żelaza zmniejszało się, a zawartość manganu zwiększała się w miarę wzrostu badanej trawy.
In field experiment located in the soil - climatic conditions of south Podlasie, the growth and the content of iron and manganese in biomass of Miscanthus was investigated. The following 5 clones of Miscanthns were investigated: two were diploids (nr 1 and 19) and three triploides (nr 53 from Germany, nr 63 from Holland and POL from Poland) which were cultivated on the plots at area 1,5 m-2 in three replicates. The representative samples of plant materials (leaves and steams) for investigation were taken in the I decade of the following months : June, July, August, September and October in 2002 year this is in the second year of cultivation. The total content of iron and manganese in plant materials of Miscanthus samples of investigated objects were determinated by ICP- AES method. It is stated the quicker tempo of plant growth had the triploides clones and nr 19 diploide clone but significiantly slower diploide clone nr 1. The content of iron and manganese in investigated clones of Miscanthus were differentiated: the content of iron generally decreasing but manganese increasing simultaneously with the growth of cultivated plants.