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1996 | 52 | 04 |

Tytuł artykułu

Zastosowanie dodatkow zakwaszajacych i probiotycznych w wychowie prosiat

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The effectiveness of Prowoks (acidifying preparate) and Microferm-fer (probiotic preparate supplemented with vitamins A, E, B12 and Fe) in the breeding of suckling and weaned piglets was examined. A satisfactory weight gain rate and food utilization were noted in weaned piglets receiving Prowoks (group D-l). In group D-2 in which the probiotic was used, diarrhea persisted for a shorter time and was less intensive compared with piglets from group K and D-1. In this group the percentage of piglet mortality was lower than that in group K and D-1, by 3.0% and 4.37%, respectively. Lower food consumption and better food utilization by piglets receiving lactic acid and the low cost of this preparate significantly decreased food expenses in group D-1. The use of stimulating preparates, probiotics and acidifying improved the effectiveness of young pig production.








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  • Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, ul.Przejazd 4, 05-840 Brwinow


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