Przebadano 4 gatunki orzechów i 4 gatunki jadalnych nasion na zawartość ołowiu, kadmu, cynku i miedzi. Zawartość metali (oprócz ołowiu) była wyższa od przewidywanych normami ograniczeń tych pierwiastków dla badanych produktów.
Concentration of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper in nuts and some edible seeds were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The following average values based on consumable product were found: for nuts - lead from 0.089 ppm (peanuts) to 0.161 ppm (hazelnuts), cadmiu from 0.023 ppm (peanuts, walnuts) to 0.044 ppm (hazelnuts), zinc from 26.10 ppm (pistachionuts) to 33.85 ppm (peanuts), copper from 9.43 ppm (walnuts) to 16.83 ppm (hazelnuts); for edible seeds - lead from 0.133 ppm (almonds) to 0.226 ppm (pumpkin seeds), cadmium from 0.030 ppm (pumpkin seeds) to 0.685 ppm (blue poppy seeds), zinc from 31.40 ppm (almonds) to 86.40 ppm (blue poppy seeds), copper from 11.35 ppm (almonds) to 21.60 ppm (sunflower seeds). Our results are in general comparable with the literature data. Lead content in the test nuts and edible seeds was within the limits admissible in Poland. Cadmium, zinc and copper content in blue poppy and sunflower seeds and zinc content in pumpkin seeds was above the limits admissible in Poland.