Zbadano wpływ fitoestrogenów sojowych na poziom sodu i potasu w zębach i kości żuchwy samic szczurów po owariektomii karmionych paszą zawierającą dodatek 2,5%, 7,5% i 25% koncentratu sojowego. Izoflawony sojowe zawarte w paszy powodowały wzrost, obniżonej po zabiegu usunięcia jajników, zawartości wymienionych pierwiastków.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of soya isoflavoncs on sodium and potassium content in the teeth and mandible of female rats after ovariectomy from the following experimental groups: K- (control), OV-(after ovariectomy), OVS1, OVS2, OVS3 (after ovariectomy, receiving phytoestrogens in the form of the fodder containing: 2.5%, 7.5% and 25% of the soya concentrate). Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) was performed using SOLLAR M5 appliance produced by a USA Thermo Elemental company. After ovariectomy the level of sodium and potassium decreased; statistically significant differences found in the content of these elements both in the teeth and mandible between the control (K) and the group after ovariectomy (OV). The administration of phytoestrogens contained in the fodder causcd that sodium and potassium amounts in teeth and mandible in animals (OVS1 - OVS3) were similar to the levels observed in the control (K).