Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza przepisów ustawy o ochronie przyrody i ustawy o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym w celu ustalenia, jaki charakter prawny mają plany ochrony parków narodowych, jaki jest ich zakres przestrzenny i jaki wpływ wywierają one na miejscowe plany zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
National Park Conservation Plans were introduced into the Polish legal system by the Nature Conservation Act of October 16, 1991 as instruments to conserve functional areas in the former framework. After the adoption of Physical Planning Act of July 7, 1994, the policy has been based on just one type of plan, the Local Plan. The relation of National Park Conservation Plans to Local Plans has been defined in the law to the effect that a conservation plan is developed for any given National Park and its buffer zone, then it is adopted by the Minister of Environmental Protection, Natural Resources and Forestry and its provisions must be recognised in the Local Plan. The National Park Conservation Plan is a 'spatial assignment' of bans and limitations imposed on the area of the National Park either by the law itself or by a separate Council of Ministers Regulation founding a national park. The National Park Conservation Plan is developed to subject the area of the Park to strict or partial conservation and define the conservation measures. The Plan is not law by itself but it does affect provisions of the law contained in the Local Plan which cover the entirety or a part of the National Park. This means that a local ordinance to adopt a Local Plan which stands in contradiction to the relevant National Park Conservation Plan is rendered invalid or unlawful in its entirety or partially where it pertains to the National Park territory.