Przeprowadzono badania morfologiczne szpiku kostnego szczurów w przebiegu ostrego zatrucia herbicydem - solą sodową kwasu 2,4-D. Stwierdzono zmiany patologiczne w mikrośrodowisku homopoetycznym szpiku.
Morphological examinations of bone marrow in rats acutely intoxicated with a herbicide - sodium salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) were performed. The detected pathomorphological changes affected bone marrow haemopoietic environment (oedema, hyperaemia, necrosis of capillary endothelium and of single bone-marrow cells). No pathomorphological changes were detected in the bone-marrow haemopoietic tissue itself. The changes disappeared 14 days after cessation of herbicide administration.