In total, 400 bony fishes caught at a depth 120-1540 m in the east part of the Weddell Sea were examined and 63 fishes of 4 families occurring at depths of 120-590 m were infected with Macvicaria spp. Three species (185 specimens) were recognised, including two new species, M. microtestis sp. n. and M. longibursata sp. n., and one species, M. georgiana (Kovalyova et Gaevskaya, 1974), previously recorded only in the Western Antarctic. M. microtestis sp. n. occurs in nototheniids (Trematomus spp.) and artedidraconids. It has testes smaller than the ovary and which are entirely obscured by vitelline follicles dorsally. M. longibursata sp. n. occurs in two zoarcid species. It has the cirrus sac extending far posterior to the ventral sucker. M. georgiana occurs in eight species of the genus Trematomus (Nototheniidae) and in Cryodraco antarcticus (Channichthyidae); six host species are new. A key to seven species of the genus Macvicaria occurring in the Antarctic is presented.