Z puli upolowanych na terenie województwa krakowskiego w 1996 r. (maj-wrzesień) samców saren od 14 osobników pobrano do badań wątroby i nerki. Tereny, z których pochodziły sarny, wytypowano zgodnie z wcześniejszymi badaniami narządów zajęcy, przeprowadzonymi w latach 1984 i 1994/95 (1). W materiale tym oznaczano zawartość miedzi, cynku, kadmu, ołowiu, rtęci, manganu, chromu i żelaza. Badania przeprowadzono metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej z wykorzystaniem techniki płomieniowej, Z wyjątkiem rtęci, dla której zastosowano technikę zimnych par.
Copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, mercury, manganese, chromium, and iron contents in liver and kidneys of roe-deer were determined. The parenchymal organ samples were collected from a number of male roe-deer shot dead in the region of Cracow in May-June 1996, and from one male roe-deer shot dead in the region of Przemyśl. The levels of lead and cadmium in the tissues were relatively low. Mean concentrations of Pb were 0.57 mg/kg in the liver and 0.51 mg/kg in the kidneys, while mean Cd levels were 0.28 mg/kg and 1.70 mg/kg, respectively. The highest Hg content in the kidneys (in the liver, Hg levels were lower) did not exceed the permissible Hg content values in meat products for adults and children (0.02 mg/kg). Only trace amounts of chromium (0.024-0.030 mg/kg) were detected. The levels of Zn, Cu, Mn and Fe in liver and kidneys of the roe-deer were within the physiological limits for domestic animals.