New records of Lepidoptera in the province of Pomerania [Northern Poland]
Języki publikacji
New data are given on 44 species of 17 Lepidoptera families for the province of Pomerania (Northern Poland). Nine species have been recorded in this region for the first time in over 100 years, and one is a recent invader.
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BUSZKO J., NOWACKI J. (red.) 2000: The Lepidoptera of Poland; A Distributional Checklist. Polish entomol. Monogr., Poznan-Torun, 1: 1-178.
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ROMANISZYN J. 1929: Fauna Motyli Polski. I. Prace monogr. Kom. Fizjogr. PAU, Kraków, 6: 1-552.
SPEISER P. 1903: Die Schmetterlingsfauna der Provinzen Ost- und Westpreussen. Beitr. Naturk. Preuss., Königsberg, 9: 1-148.
URBAHN E. & H. 1939. Die Schmetterlinge Pommerns mit einem vergleichenden Überblick über den Ostseeraum. Stt. Ent. Ztg., Stettin, 100: 185-826.