Periods of severe winter weather are associated with increased food consumption and metabolic rates. Depending on food availability birds could use different strategies to maintain homeostasis. Mallards Anas platyrhynchos L. numerously winter in urban parks, where people feed waterfowl bread. This food source is easily digestible and provides a high energy, which may affect bird behaviour. Studies were conducted in two consecutive winters in the Gdańsk-Oliwa city park in northern Poland, a place where people feed mallards, bread daily. During the period of lowest temperatures (about -12°C) females spent only 6% of their time foraging, while males spent 17% foraging. During mild winter weather (mean temperature about -2°C) foraging took up 21% of time budget in both sexes. In the colder period a three fold increase in male agonistic behaviour was observed when compared to the mild period observations. Females spent the most of harsh winter period inactive, apparently relaying on accumulated energetic reserves. Males cannot reduce all activities like females, because pairing in mallards takes place mainly in autumn and early winter and males need to attract actively, display for, and defend mates.