Wykazano znaczne różnice w częstości występowania wielolekoopornych szczepów Staphylococcus aureus w dwóch szpitalach warszawskich. Różnice te dotyczyły nie tylko odsetka szczepów MRSA, ale także szczepów MSSA o różnym spektrum lekooporności.
S. aureus strains isolated in the same period from different specimens obtained from patients of two different hospitals were compared. The significant differences were observed in the frequency of resistance determinants between strains of these hospitals. The most important was the difference in the prevalence of MRSA. In the first hospital the percentage of MRSA was 40% whereas in the second one only 20%. The resistance to the other antibiotics was also compared, and independently from the compared group: MRSA, MSSA or all, the prevalence of resistance determinants was higher in the first hospital than in the second. Although the frequencies of MRSA in both investigated hospitals were relatively high comparing to the other European countries and in the first hospital even alarming, isolated MRSA strains are less resistant to other antibiotics than MRSA in other countries.