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2003 | 06 |

Tytuł artykułu

Szybkosc oddawania wody po defoliacji przez blaszki lisciowe Lolium perenne

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Research work, constituting continuation of earlier studies, was carried out in years 2000-2001. The purpose of experiments was to determine the speed of water loss by leaf blades after defoliation of Lolium perenne. Experiments were conducted in two directions: determination of the speed of water loss of Lolium perenne against the background of other sward components from natural meadow communities as weil as determination of water loss by 11 cultivars from field plantations. The examined meadow complexes were situated near the city of Poznań, in the Samica River valley, whereas the examined cultivars were obtained from established experiments on grass collections of the Department of Grassland Science. Moreover, investigations were also undertaken to determine - in cultivars of perennial ryegrass - relationships between the speed of water loss and the concentration of water-soluble carbohydrates as weil as the intluence of certain developmental stages on this property. On the basis of the obtained results, it can be stated that the speed of water losses after defoliation is a trait characteristic for a given grass species and cultivar. Lolium perenne belongs to the group of plants that dry slowly after defoliation. Cultivars of perennial ryegrass exhibit considerable variations with regard to the speed of water loss by leaf blades. These differences reach up to 19% among diploid cultivars and up to 48% among tetraploid ones. When preparing mixtures for newly established grasslands intended for cutting or when selecting species or cultivars for grassland renovation, it is important to bear in mind the speed with which these species and cultivars lose water after defoliation. High deviations between cultivars occur at the initial stages of drying, smaller - towards the end of this process. Watersoluble carbohydrates present in the examined sward were positively correlated with the speed of water loss by plants. The identified relationship appears to be of considerable utilitarian importance for breeding and sward drying after defoliation.






Opis fizyczny



  • Akademia Rolnicza, ul.Wojska Polskiego 38/42, 60-627 Poznan


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