Problemy związane ze zdrowiem są przedmiotem badań wielu nauk. Poprawą stanu zdrowia dzieci i młodzieży można osiągnąć przez prowadzenie wychowania prozdrowotnego, kształtując ich postawy wobec zdrowia, podnosząc również poziom sprawności fizycznej. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące postaw wobec zdrowia, fair play i sprawności fizycznej dzieci i młodzieży uprawiających sport.
For centuries health has been a value and today is still making an influence on better functioning societies. Health is a subject of research in many scientific disciplines, and has a great influence on theory of physical education taking into consideration researches which are targeting at holding and increasing health, which has become today a thing that is not "given" once in a life-time. Those problems are a subject of health pedagogy researches. Health education is an activity aiming at creating pro-health attitudes. It is generally acknowledged that sport activity of children and teenagers improves their health condition, as well as better understanding and acceptance of fair play idea. The test of pro-health attitude as well as fair play attitude that occurs among young players practising handball in UKS (Pupils Sport Clubs) confirms research presumptions. It is worrying though that there are bad habits and attitudes to health and worse achievements in trials of physical ability among older pupils practising sport for a long time. The good thing is that pupils of a first class of secondary school (gymnasium) training for a long time have better attitude to fair play.