This paper presents the study concerning the influence of hydrocortisone and progesterone on the growth and the content of protein and sugar in the green alga Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck (Chlorophyceae). Progesterone, at the concentration of 10-4 M, showed a lethal effect on C. vulgaris and hydrocortisone - at the concentration of 10-3 M. Hydrocortisone, in range of concentrations 5×10-5-10-4 M, showed the greatest stimulating activity in C. vulgaris on the content of sugar, in comparison to progesterone, which has a most stimulating effect in the range of concentrations 5×10-5-5×10-6 M. It was found that in C. vulgaris progesterone is more active than hydrocortisone on the content of cellular sugar. However, progesterone acted inhibitory on the content of protein. The lowest inhibition of sugar and protein was observed under influence of hydrocortisone at the concentration of 5×10-6 M. The biological activity of hydrocortisone in the C. vulgaris studied was greater than that of progesterone with regard to the protein content.