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Solution structure of conformationally restricted vasopressin analogues

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In recent years, a massive effort has been directed towards designing potent and selective antagonists of neurohypophyseal hormones substituted at position 3. Modi­fication of vasopressin at position 3 with 4,4'-biphenylalanine results in pharmaco­logically inactive analogues. Chemically, this substitution appears to vary only slightly from those previously made by us (1-Nal or 2-Nal), which afforded potent agonists of V2 receptors. In this situation, it seemed worthwhile to study the struc­ture of the analogues with 4,4-biphenylalanine (BPhe) at position 3 in aqueous solu­tion using NMR spectroscopy and total conformational analysis. This contribution is part of extensive studies aimed at understanding spatial structures of 3-substituted [Arg8 ]vasopressin analogues of different pharmacological properties. NMR data were used to calculate 3D structures for all the analogues using two methods, EDMC with the ECEPP/3 force field, and molecular dynamic with the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. The structures obtained by the first method show a better fit between the NMR spectral evidence and the calculation for all the peptides.








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  • University of Gdansk, J.Sobieskiego 18, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland


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