Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza charakteru prawnego i wymogów treściowych studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy, uwzględniająca zmiany, jakie przyniosły nowelizacje ustaw o ochronie i kształtowaniu środowiska, o ochronie przyrody oraz o zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym.
Made in 1997 the amendments to the acts on protection and formation of environment and on spatial management caused the crucial change in the importance of the study on preconditions and directions of community spatial management and the change in contents requirements referred to the study. As a consequence of these changes the study became one of basic planning documents in a community which together with the obligatory accepted by the community program of sustainable development and protection of environment becomes the base to run the activities for the protection of environment by the community. One of more important changes in subject requirements given to the study is spreading of the updated duty to precise areas included in the natural and cultural environment protection into the duty to precise not only preserved areas, but also pointed out to protect basing on detailed regulations.