W pracy określono wpływ stanu zboża oraz parametrów regulacyjnych kombajnu na wielkość strat jakościowych ziarna pszenicy w czasie zbioru. Przeprowadzono analizę regresji wielokrotnej, w wyniku której uzyskano formuły empiryczne które mogą stanowić podstawę do optymalizacji parametrów regulacyjnych kombajnu.
Variations of grain losses at combine harvesting were investigated during 3 seasons on 4 wheat cultivars grown on the farms producing qualified seed grain. Biological value of harvested grain and underthresing grain losses were considered is affected by following natural factors: season of experiment, grain-in-ear bending force, moisture content of harvested grain as well as control parameters of combine harvester operation: working ground speed, threshing drum rotations and working gap of threshing unit. Variance analysis computation determined the factors affecting grain losses at harvest, while regression analysis enabled quantitative description of grain losses. Applied empirical formulas may be used also to optimize the control parameters of combine operation at harvesting seed grain.