Food packaging may be a potential source of food contamination due to chemical constituents migration from packaging materials. To assure the food contact materials safety the relevant legislation is established. For the food contact materials and articles where is no harmonised EU legislation (eg. colorants, silicones, paper and board, rubber) the Council of Europe establishes the Resolution containing the special requirements. According to EU legislation related to materials and articles intended to come into contact with food, in general, food contact articles should not release substances in quantities that may endanger human health or change the organoleptic characteristics. The final product should fulfil the requirements for the overall migration limit (OML) and specific migration limit (SML) of the chemical substances. Testing migration for the compliance with the limits of global migration and specific migration from the final product to the food simulants should be performed according to the relevant EC Directives. The current Polish legislation related to food contact materials and article implementing the provision of the relevant EC Directives was presented.