In order to evaluate seroprevalence of leptospiral infection in the population of the European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.), 107 sera obtained from this species after hunting were tested. All sera were examined by microagglutination test (MAT) and passive hemagglutination test (PHT). The latter test detects only IgM antibodies and allows a differentiation between recent and past infections. A panel of 18 serowars (icterohaemorrhagiae, grippotyphosa, sejroe, tarassovi, pomona, canicola, australis, ballum, hebdomadis, patoc, poi, calledoni, zanoni, cynopteri, autumnalis, bataviae, hardjo, bratislava) from 16 serogroups was used in MAT. The screening dilution of sera was 1 in 100. A result of at least 50% agglutination of leptospires at 1:100 dilution or greater was considered positive. PHT was prepared from the strain of Perepelicin belonging to the Tarassovi serogroup. Altogether 25.2% positive results were obtained. 23 sera reacted in MAT. 12 serovars were recorded. The most prevalent was sejroe (6 positive results), then grippotyphosa and poi (4 positive results). Most of the positive sera reacted in MAT in a dilution of 1:100 (19 cases), in 6 cases in a dilution of 1:200, in 4 at 1:400 and 1 had an end point titre of 1:800. By using a passive hemagglutination test, positive reactions were recorded in 7 cases. In one case a doubtful result was obtained. 4 sera reacted only in PTH. The results indicate the wild boar as a potential source of pathogenic leptospires.