W pracy przedstawiono wpływ rębni stosowanych w gospodarczych drzewostanach bukowych na występowanie popielicy Glis glis. Szczególny nacisk położono na scharakteryzowanie rębni częściowej wielkopowierzchniowej oraz zmodyfikowanej rębni częściowej gniazdowej. Zaproponowano kilka sposobów poprawy warunków bytowych tych gryzoni, takich jak: pozostawianie dziuplastych drzew i kęp starodrzewów, wzbogacanie bazy żerowej oraz zapewnienie sztucznych schronień.
The aim of this paper is to offer directives and procedures for forest management, which will be harmless for fat dormouse Glis glis L., 1766 populations living in beech forests in Poland. It pertains especially to renewing beech stands. There are a few cutting systems, which are used in Poland, however the most popular of them, like shelterwood compartment system or shelterwood strip system seem to be harmful for fat dormouse populations. Nevertheless, it is possible to use other types of cutting, like modified form of shelterwood modifified group system, in such forests.Modified shelterwood group system will make possible correct and effective management and on the other hand will be harmless for dormice. Apart from silviculture there are also a few propositions which concern improving habitat conditions. Taking into account enriching food-base, more attention should be paid to bird cherry Cerasus avium, which fruits are willingly eaten by dormice. Another important element is to leave large group of old trees, which would turn into a dormice support on cutting area. It is also significant to protect hollow trees or to provide artificial nest sites for dormice, in places where animals are present.