Analizowano zawartość fenoli, białka ogólnego i właściwego oraz aktywność inhibitorów trypsyny w ziarnie różnych odmian jęczmienia jarego (Bielik, Dema, Lot) uprawianego w siewie czystym oraz w proporcjonalnych mieszankach. Porównano zmiany zachodzące w warunkach upraw ekstensywnej i intensywnej, w których zastosowano chemiczne środki ochrony roślin: herbicyd (Chwastox DF), fungicyd (Tilt), insektycyd (Decis) i retardant (Flordimex T).
The effect of extensive and intensive cultivation on total protein, true protein, polyphenol and trypsin inhibitor content in three (Bielik, Dema, Lot) spring barley varieties were studied. In the extensive and intensive cultivation, the following were used: Chwastox DF herbicide, Tild fungicide, Decis insecticide and Flordimex T retardant. The experiment was conducted in 1993 and 1994. The results indicate that the content of the studied components in the grain was dependent on barley variety and on the conditions of cultivation. The effect of the crop protection chemicals was dependent on weather conditions: sunshine caused that protein, phenol and trypsin inhibitor content in the Bielik and Dema grain was higher.