Na szczurach samcach szczepu Wistar badano wpływ jednorazowego ( w dawce 20% LD50) i wielokrotnego (w dawce 5% LD50) doustnego podawania chlorku glinu na wychwyt tyrozyny (Tyr ) przez skrawki jelitowe. Ponadto określono zmiany parametrów kinetycznych opisujących wychwyt Tyr w wyniku dwutygodniowego narażenia na badany związek w dawce 5% LD50.
The effect of oral intoxication with aluminium chloride on the total, Na+ - dependent and the sum of Na+ - independent and passive uptake of tyrosine (Tyr) was investigated using the method of jejunal slices. Male Wistar rats were used in the study. It has been shown that single exposure to AlCl3 at 20% LD50 caused changes in jejunal tissue Tyr uptake. The highest differences were detected after 1 hour since the exposure, whereas no significant changes in the treated group as compared to the control were observed after 48 hours. AlCl3 at 5% LD50 caused changes which depended on the duration of treatment. It has been found that the total and the Na+ - dependent Tyr uptakes diminished at the beginning of the investigation period (until 8 weeks for the total, and 6 weeks for Na+-dependent uptake), and then slightly increased. The changes observed in the sum of Na+ - independent and passive uptakes were not characteristic. Kinetic study performed after 2-week per os treatment with AlСl3 at 5% LD50 revealed significant decrease in the Na+ - dependent maximal transport (by 85,6%) and significant increase in the affinity of the carrier to Tyr (K, value).