Zakład Higieny Żywności i Żywienia, Instytut Żywności i Żywienia, Warszawa
1. Chocolate as Food and Medicine in Acient and Colonial Mexico. Louis E. Grivetti. (Department of Nutrition, University of California). 2000 r.
2. Chocolate Flavonoids: In vitro Evidence Suggesting a Cardiovascular Health Benefir. Harold H Schmitz and Leo J Romancyk 2000 r.
3. Chocolate: Food or drug? Journal of American Dietetic Asociation. October 1999.
4. Codex Alimentarius. Sugars, cocoa products and chocolate and miscellaneous products. Volume 11, 2 wyd. Rome 1994, p. 205.
5. Connor W.E.: Harbingers of coronary heart disease: dietary saturated fatty acids on cholesterol. Is chocolate benign because of its stearic acid content? Amer. J. Clin. Nutr., 1999, 70, 6, p. 951-2.
6. Cordier J.L.: HACCP in the chocolate industry. Nestle, Food Control, 1994, 5, 4, p. 171-5.
7. Cordier J.L.: HACCP in the chocolate industry. Nestle, Food Control, 1994, 5, 3, p. 171-5.
8. Daniewski M., Mielniczuk E., Jacórzyński B., Pawlicka M., et al.: Kwasy tłuszczowe w czekoladach i wyrobach czekoladowych. Roczn. PZH, 1999, 50, 4, s. 369-83.
9. Effect of Chocolate Consumption: Platelet Aggregation and Activation. C.L. Keen, D. Rein, T.Wun, D.A. Pearson, H.H. Schmitz, R. Gosselin (Dept Nutrition, Univ. Calif, at Davis). 2000 r.
10. Effect of Chocolate Consumption: Serum Antioxidant Capacity and Blood Flavonoids. C.G. Frada, D. Rein, S. Lotitto, H.H. Schmitz, C.L. Keen (Department of Biochemistry, University of Buenes Aires). 2000 r.
11. Effect of Cocoa Flavonoids on Blood Vessels. C. Tissa Kappagoda (Department of Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis). 2000 r.
12. Kunachowicz H., Nadolna I., Przygoda B., Iwanow K.: Tabele wartości odżywczej produktów spożywczych. (Instytut Żywności i Żywienia) 1998 r.
13. Michener W., Rozin P.: Pharmacological versus sensory factors in the salation of chocolate craving. Physiol Behav. 1994; 56: 419-422.
14. Schuman M. Gitlin M.J., Fairbanks L.: Sweets, chocolate, and atypical depressive traits. J. Nerv Ment Dis. 1987, 175: 491-495.