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Implementacja unijnych regulacji do polskiego prawodawstwa w aspekcie konkurencyjnosci krajowej produkcji jaj

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Implementation of UE regulations in Polish legislation in terms of competitiveness of domestic egg production

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Implementation of EU regulations in Polish legislation in terms of competitiveness of domestic egg production. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the competitiveness of egg production in Poland after the implementation of EU regulations on layer management systems and marking of marketed eggs. The study was performed based on EU and Polish legislation concerning layer management and marketing of eggs, data from the Central Statistical Office and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, market reports from the Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics, and our own findings. It was found that restrictions on the management of laying hens in conventional cages, which are required by EU legislation, will increase the costs, make Poland less competitive on the EU market and reduce the profitability of egg production, thus limiting the scale ofproduction. This situation is especially difficult for small farms, which according to current regulations have to use the expensive services of egg packing and sorting plants when marketing eggs. The inadequate knowledge of egg marking codes among the consumers, the lack of awareness of the economic relationship between bird welfare demands and production costs, and lower income per m2 of production area in extensive management systems may eliminate many farms from the market and reduce egg production in Poland after 2011. The shortage of eggs on the European market will be compensated by imports from Asia and South America, where poultry housing conditions are not controlled. The current egg production costs in Poland are similar to those incurred by the largest EU producers and much higher compared to those of the world's largest exporters, i.e. the USA and Brazil. This makes Poland hardly competitive on the international egg market.
W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że ograniczenie chowu kur nieśnych w klatkach tradycyjnych, wymuszone unijnym prawodawstwem, spowoduje wzrost kosztów, zmniejszenie opłacalności produkcji jaj i obniżenie w tym zakresie konkurencyjności Polski na rynku Wspólnoty, a w konsekwencji ograniczenie skali produkcji. Braki jaj na europejskim rynku uzupełniane będą importem z krajów azjatyckich i południowo-amerykańskich, gdzie nikt nie sprawdza warunków utrzymania drobiu. Aktualnie koszty produkcji jaj w Polsce są zbliżone do największych producentów w UE i znacznie wyższe w porównaniu do największych światowych eksporterów, tj. USA i Brazylii. Powoduje to, że Polska przestaje być konkurencyjna na międzynarodowym rynku jaj.








Opis fizyczny



  • Instytut Zootechniki - Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy, ul.Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice


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