Zastosowanie technologii wysokociśnieniowej (HPP) do utrwalania świeżo wyciskanych soków owocowych i warzywnych, produktów mięsnych plasterkowanych w celu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa mikrobiologicznego.
High Pressure Processing (HPP) consists in applying hydrostatic pressure of 200 - 1000 MPa to properly packed food products. As an alternative to thermal pasteurization, this method reduces exposure of food to high temperature, ensures microbiological safety, and enables preservation of high organoleptic value of food products. Influence of HPP on microorganisms depends on the type of microorganism, temperature and time of exposure to HPP. Microbiologically safe food products preserved with HPP method, such as fruit and vegetable juices, sliced meat products, diary products, oysters, and guacamole are currently available in many countries of the world. In Poland, HPP technology for fruit and meat products has been studied from 1992 by the Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in cooperation with other research institutions, including National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw Agricultural University and Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology. Our research has shown that HPP method guarantees food safety and preserves nutritive and organoleptic value of food products, and indicate that HPP method could be applied for commercial food production.