The present investigations aimed at determining the effect of various organic materials, i.e. farmyard manure (FYM), organic tannery sludge and compost of such sludge and peat on lead, copper and nickel fractions content in soil. Doses of peat compost and organic sludge were calculated according to the nitrogen amount per a FYM dose. After four years of experiment, fractions of Pb, Cu and Ni compounds were assessed in the soil from individual plots using the Zeien and Brummer's sequence chemical extraction method. Heavy metal contents were determined using a ICP-AES in JY 238 Ultrace apparatus. Lead accumulated mainly in the form bound with organic matter and with amorphic iron oxides. This metal distribution reveals its slight share in the mobile and exchangeable forms. Composts and sludge introduced into the soil did not affect any significant changes of the individual lead forms share as compared to FYM and NPK treated plots and the control. Some amount of copper occurred as mobile forms in all the soils. In the soil of all the treated plots, copper occurred mainly bound with organic matter and amorphic iron oxides. The basic share of nickel was found in the residual fraction bound with internal crystalline nets of initial elements. Beside the residual form, nickel was connected mainly with organic matter.