The aim of the study was to check which of the xerothermic grassland species create persistent seed bank and what type of germination characteristics they exhibit. The following features of diaspores and the seed bank were taken into consideration: 1) relation between the annual seed production and the seed bank; 2) keeping the germination ability longer than one year, despite the soil samples being kept in the conditions promoting germination; 3) presence in the deeper layers of soil; 4) permanent abundance in soil, also between seed germination and seed shedding time. Carex flacca Schreb., C. transsilvanica Schur, Linum flavum L., Origanum vulgare L. and Scabiosa ochroleuca L. create persistent seed bank, Senecio macrophyllus M. Bieb., Aster amellus L. and Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv. have the transient type of the bank. Germination time for the grassland species is spring and additionally, in a few cases, early autumn when the most favourable temperature and moisture conditions prevail in the studied plant community. Taking into consideration the changes in the percentage of germinating seeds during the year we can distinguish three types of annual dormancy cycle: Linum flavum pattern – germination occurs exclusively in spring; Salvia verticillata L. pattern – the germination peak in spring; yet, the seedlings are detected during the rest of the season; Senecio macrophyllus pattern – the species with two germination peaks: one in spring, the other in autumn.