W latach 2001-2005 z próbek materiału klinicznego pobranych od pacjentów szpitalnych i ambulatoryjnych wyizolowano 104 szczepy Gram-ujemnych pałeczek opornych na karbapenemy (imipenem i meropenem). Zastosowano fenotypową metodę Etest® MBL do wykrywania szczepów wytwarzających metalo-beta-laktamazy (MBL). Wśród badanych izolatów było 36 MBL-do- datnich stanowiących 34,6% ogółu szczepów opornych na antybiotyki kar- bapenemowe.
The aim of presented study was to detect MBL-positive strains in a group of clinical carbapenem- resistant strains isolated from inpatients and outpatients during last four years. From the beginning of November 2001 to the end of October 2005, one hundred and four strains resistant to carbapenem antibiotics - imipenem and meropenem were cultured from clinical samples obtained from patients of the Infant Jesus Clinical Hospital Centre for Trauma Treatment in Warsaw and from patients of outpatient clinics. Strains were identified and their susceptibility to antibacterial agents was determined in the automatic ATB Expression system (bioMérieux®). Resistance to imipenem and meropenem was confirmed with a disc diffusion method. Production of metallo-beta-lactama- ses (MBL) was examined with the use of Etest® MBL (AB Biodisk, Sweden), and extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) by means of following procedures: DDST and / or DD (four variants) (Oxoid Ltd., England). MBL-positive strains (36) were cultured in cases of infections in adult patients (35 strains) and in a child (1 strain). Majority of strains belonged to the species P. aeruginosa (27), several strains - to the species P. putida (6) and remaining strains - to P. stutzeri, A. xylosoxidans, and E. cloacae ( 1 strain of each species). Four strains were producers of MBL-type and ESBL-type beta-lactamases. According to our knowledge and accessible literature described strains (except one paediatric strain) are the first MBL-positive strains isolated from adult hospitalized patients and adult ambulatory patients in Poland. Additionally, MBL-positive E. cloacae strain is probably the first MBL producer isolated in Poland, which belongs to the group of enteric rods. MBL-producing strains of Gram-negative rods, detected by phenotypic Etest® MBL method, will be verified with genetic procedures.