Na podstawie badań ankietowych nauczycieli różnych przedmiotów ze szkół podstawowych, gimnazjalnych i ponadpodstawowych w województwach śląskim, podkarpackim, lubelskim oceniono warunki realizacji ścieżki edukacyjnej „ edukacja prozdrowotna ". Analizie poddano wypowiedzi nauczycieli na temat uzupełniania wiedzy, realizowanej tematyki i stosowanych metod w edukacji zdrowotnej.
The purpose of the presented report is analysis of opinions of teachers of different subjects on supplementing knowledge, discussed topics, methods applied in health education and its environmental factors. In the years 2004-2006, a diagnostic survey was carried out among 289 teachers of different subjects employed in secondary and post-secondary schools in śląskie (Silesian), lubelskie (Lublin) and podkarpackie (sub-Carpathian) voivodeships /regions/. Analysis covered answers to questions concerning the atmosphere predominating in school when realizing health education and ways of carrying out the pro-health path. The obtained results show irregularities that take place in many schools: no coordinator of health education, unsatisfactory cooperation between school pedagogue and parents, as well as adverse conditions for carrying out recreational and sports classes. When listing institutions that might provide support realization of pro-health education, the respondents did not mention higher education institutions, regional disease control centres or methodological centres. The most frequently applied methods in realisation of discussion on health problems at school are verbal methods. Majority of teachers declare their willingness to participate in different forms of instruction in the field of health education.