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Phylogeny and classification of early European Mustelida [Mammalia: Carnivora]


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A phylogenetic analysis of the Oligocene and some Neogene European arctoid carnivorans of the order-group taxon Mustelida is performed, based on characters of the skull and dentition. The following classification of the revised genera is proposed: Simocyon (Ailurus, Amphictis, Bavarictis, Potamotherium (Pseudobassaris (Angustictis gen. n., Broiliana)) (Mustelictis ((Franconictis gen. n., Stromerielta) (Bathygale gen. n. (Plesictis (Paragale, Plesiogale)))))). Potamotherium. is allied to phocida within the monophyletic Pinnipedia. Pseudobassaris, Angustictis gen. n., and Broiliana are con­sidered procyonids. Mustelictis, Franconictis gen. n., StromerieUa, Bathygale gen. n., Plesictis, and the mustelines Paragale and Plesiogale are placed in the Mustelidae. Parailurus is included in Ailurus, and Ichneugale (= Viretius, = Aiopecocyon) is syno- nymized with Amphictis. Phylogenetic definitions and diagnoses are provided for the suprageneric taxa: Carnivora, Caniformia, Arctoidea, Arctomorpha (new), Mustelida, Pinnipedia, Procyonidae, Mustelidae, and Mustelinae.









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  • Mammal Research Institute,17-230 Bialowieza, Poland


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