In years 1994-1995 experiments were carried out production pastures of Brody Experimental Station. Energetic value of the analyzed fodder ranged from 0,95 to 1,02 JPM (1700 kcal EN). Sward with a share of white clover contained more protein and minerals and lower amounts of structural carbohydrates. The intake of the sward with clover by grazing amount 19 g/kg BW0,⁷⁵ . In conditions of dairy pasture grazing, roughages covered completely the maintenance requirements of animals as well as 50% of their production requirements if the stocking rate was from 3 - 3,3 heades per one hectare of pasture. In 1995 the average milk yield from cow was 5800 kg, of which 2891 kg was produced during 180 days on pasture and 1303 kg from roughages. The latter value was by 10% lower because it did not include the concentrate which was fed to cows which were being dried during the final two weeks.