Będąca przedmiotem rozważań regionalizacja dla celów administracyjnych ma w Europie Zachodniej stosunkowo bogate tradycje. Szczególne doświadczenia ma w tym zakresie Francja. Regionalizacja we Francji, aczkolwiek odbiegająca w swych rozwiązaniach od reform regionalnych innych państw kapitalistycznych, wskazuje na obiektywną potrzebę tworzenia nowych, pośrednich szczebli zarządzania. Regiony wychodzą naprzeciw obiektywnym potrzebom zapewnienia sprawnego systemu zarządu lokalnego. Ich powołanie leży zarówno w interesie władz rzędowych, jak i dotychczas funkcjonujących związków samorządowych. Odciążają jedne i drugie władze. Stwarzają im szanse koncentrowania się na zadaniach dla nich najważniejszych. Stąd też nawet w państwach, gdzie u podstaw regionalizacji legły czynniki polityczne, następuje charakterystyczna ewolucja regionalizmu. Regionalizacja polityczna przeradza się w regionalizację administracyjną. W rezultacie regionalizacja nie tylko nie zagraża samodzielności gminy, ale leży w jej interesie. Region przejmuje bowiem zadania, których realizacją państwo zmuszone było obarczyć już istniejące związki samorządowe, a w tym i gminy.
Polish reforms of political system in the period 1989-1990 connected, among other things, with introduction of the institution of self-government, as well as intended regionalization of the country brought about a need to consider the problem of influence exerted by the regionalization on the scope of responsibilities of the community. When analysing the lega! relations between the region and the community, use had been taken of relatively rich experiences of West-European countries, particularly France. The functions of the region had been thoroughly considered just on the example of the French region. These functions were subject to an essential evolution. At first, they were limited to auxiliary planning actions. The regional authorities prepared the draft economic plans and those of physical development and submitted them to the central authorities. They expressed also their opinions on the plans prepared by governmental bodies. The functions of the regions were gradually changing. The same was with the scope of their responsibilities and their character. On the turn of the sixties and seventies, regional authorities were dealing not only with planning but also with economic problems and some lawmakers provided them with remedies being not only of advisory but also of legislative character. As a result, the region gives up its function of the governmental body within its area. It becomes a self-governmental organization, isolated from the structure of the state, having its own authorities established by the elections and its own tasks and responsibilities. Deriving from the idea of centralization of authorities, from the idea of elongation of governmental administration to the region, it is transformed into sel-fgovernmental institution. From the instrument of centralization, it becomes the form of decentralization. Responsibilities of so created region derive from those of larger extent than those of present sel-fgovernmental unions. Although a thesis may be adopted that the dispersion of the organizational means and a lack of a lerger cooperation among the communities are the source of responsibility of the region, this thesis would be not altogether true. Development of civilization brings about a need to raise the problems which cannot be solved even in a concerted action of present units of territorial self-government. Hence, the source of responsibilities of the region should be perceived rather in new fields of the activity of the state and, consequently, in the need for decentralization of the governmental responsibilities than in the lack of cooperation among the lower units of territorial self-government. These observations should not remain without influence on the intended Polish solution of regionalization. Therefore, the final part of the article contains some conclusions for the Polish law-maker.