W badaniach ankietowych, przeprowadzonych w roku akademickim 2002/2003 oraz 2003/2004 wśród 234 studentów kończących studia w Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu w Gdańsku, starano się poznać ich opinie na temat przygotowania do realizacji problematyki prozdrowotnej w szkole.
The object of the study was to collect opinions on preparations for prohealth education program at school presented by students from Gdańsk. A diagnostic survey based on an anonymous questionnaire was applied. The study was carried out in students majoring in motor recreation, coaching and biological regeneration in 2002/2003 and 2003/2004 academic years. 234 respondents were qualified for the study. Almost half of the students declare their dissatisfaction with preparations for being promoters and coordinators of prohealth programs at school.