Oznaczono zawartość żelaza i manganu (metodą ASA) w kapeluszach i trzonach wybranych gatunków grzybów wielkoowocnikowych z rodzaju: maślak, podgrzybek, borowik, koźlarz, gołąbek, krowiak oraz muchomor. Grzyby zebrano w latach 2002 i 2003 z terenu Nadleśnictwa Lipka.
The main aim of research was to define iron and manganese content in 7 mushroom species (5 edible and 2 non edible). Mushrooms were collected in 2002-2003 years in forest inspectorate Lipka and Złotowski county. The content of iron and manganese were determined by means of ASA method after digestion of mushrooms and soil samples with concentrated nitric and perchloric acids. It has been stated that in general iron occurs in higher concentration in caps than in stalks of examined mushrooms, whereas the content of manganese is higher in stalks than in caps. The higher accumulation of iron has been observed in bodies oiSuillus luteus (L.: Fr.) Gray, Amanita muscaria (L.: Fr.) Pers. and Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. (caps 46-297 mg/kg, stalks 20-185 mg/kg), lower in bodies of rest species (caps: 33-102 mg/kg, stalks 15-45 mg/kg). The manganese content in examined species of mushrooms were in low-range and at the levels of 10-35 in caps and 12-68 mg/kg in stalks.