Metodą AAS oznaczano ilości chromu, cynku, miedzi, niklu, kadmu i ołowiu w wodzie pitnej z okolic Stalowej Woli. Otrzymane wyniki potwierdzone zostały metodą chromatografu jonowej. Stwierdzono, że oznaczone ilości badanych metali w świetle danych literaturowych były umiarkowane i tylko w kilku próbkach wody zawartości kadmu i ołowiu przekroczyły dopuszczalne polskie normy.
The content of chromium, zinc, copper, nickel, cadmium and lead was determined by AAS and ion chromatography in 80 samples of drinking water collected from the Stalowa Wola area affected by dust and smoke emissions. Mean chromium content of the drinking water from Stalowa Wola was 0.005 mg/L, while the corresponding contents of the other elements were: zinc 1.28 mg/L, copper 0.020 mg/L, nickel 0.017 mg/L, cadmium 0.003 mg/L, and lead 0.022 mg/L. The content of the metal ions in most analysed water samples did not exceed the levels specified by current Polish regulations. In the few instances, the excesses were negligible except for cadmium and lead; the levels of the latter two metal ions in some examined samples of the potable water were significantly higher than the acceptable levels specified by relevant Polish regulations.